Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When Do I Die?

A family was involved in a serious traffic accident. Mike, the youngest of two brothers involved, was badly injured and needed a blood transfusion. Mike's big brother Danny, who was only eight years old, had the same blood type as his younger brother. The dad sat down with Danny and carefully explained to him why this blood transfusion was needed and how wonderful it would be for his little brother. After some silence, Danny responded by saying, "Yes, Daddy, I'll give my blood to Mike so he can get well."
At the hospital, a pint of blood was drawn from Danny's veins. Only after the needle was removed did Danny turn to his father with tears rolling down his cheeks and ask, "Daddy, when do I die?"
The father suddenly realized with a shock that Danny had misunderstood his explanation of giving blood. Danny thought he was giving all his blood to save the life of his brother! He thought he would die after the transfusion was over. Yet he still had agreed to help his brother.

Danny was willing to die so that his little brother would live. That's what Christ did for each of us. He shed His own blood to give us life. He died for us so... we may live together with him" (1 Thess. 5:10).

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